Livable Garden Centre | Reference Links

Friends Of Lagoon Creek
Friends of Lagoon Creek Nursery is a community nursery with a focus on bringing local native endemic plants into your backyard, as
well as supplying plants for our bush regeneration areas.
If you would like more information on nursery hours or bushcare days you can visit the website.

Livable Community Member
We would love to encourage you to use and share the Livable Community Member logo on your social media pages and or emails.
Feel free to copy and paste the logo and share with friends.

Treenet exists to help improve Australia’s urban forests. They work to:
- advocate and promote the values of the urban forest to the community;
- develop and facilitate the exchange of information among a broad range of disciplines relating to protecting, sustaining and enhancing the urban forest;
- promote research and education; and
- facilitate priority projects and programs that help build community and industry partnerships in the delivery of sustainable urban forests for all.